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CAViewer Release badge Build CAViewer Test CAViewer

See python branch for CAViewer v1.


CAViewer v2 is written in Kotlin / Java.
You will need the Java Runtime Environment / Java Development Kit to run the *.jar file.

If you can't use Java, download the precompiled binaries here.
On Linux and Mac, the binary may not be exectuable by default so run chmod +x CAViewer. This requires a github account.

Alternatively, get the binaries here.

Note that this *.jar runs on the Java Runtime Environment / Java Development Kit 11 and above.

See the wiki for instructions on how to build the application from source and how to modify it.

What is this?

CAViewer is a cellular automaton simulation program written in Java
It aims to support rulespaces unsupported by other CA simulation programs such as Golly and LifeViewer.


The GUI is made with JavaFX & Scene Builder.

The Menu Bar

File Menu:
New Pattern - Creates a new pattern
Open Pattern - Opens a pattern file
Save Pattern - Saves the pattern to a file
New Rule - Opens the rule dialog to make a new rule
Set Rule Directory - Sets the directory for CAViewer to look for rules
Close - Closes the application

Edit Menu:
Copy - Copies selected cells to an RLE
Paste - Pastes the cells that are stored as an RLE on the clipboard
Delete - Deletes the selected cells
Random Soup Settings - Settings for the random soup generation

View Menu:
Adjust Colours - Adjusts the colours of the current rule
Grid Lines - Toggles between showing and not showing grid lines
View Population Graph - Displays a graph of the population against generation

Control Menu:
Set Generation - Sets the generation based on user input
Set Step Size - Sets the step size of the simulation
Set Simulation Speed - Sets the maximum simulation speed
Clear Cell Cache - Clears the cell cache to speed up the simulation (application may hang for a while)

Search Menu:
Generate Apgtable - Generates an apgtable to be used with apgsearch
Run Rule Search - Starts a search program that randomly enumerates rules to find spaceships & oscillators
Run Agar Search - Starts a search program that searches for agars
Run Catalyst Search - Starts a search program that searches for catalysts
Run Brute Force Search - Starts a brute force search program similiar to gsearch

Help Menu:
About - Opens the CAViewer Wiki in a built-in browser.
Rule Info - Provides information about the currently loaded rule.

The Tools Bar

Run Simulation Button - Runs the simulation
Simulate in Selection Button - Runs the simulation in the selection
Simulate outside Selection Button - Runs the simulation outside the selection
Drawing Button - Go into drawing mode
Panning Button - Go into panning mode
Selection Button - Go into selection mode

Random Soup Button - Generates a random soup
Flip Button - Flips the pattern horizontally / vertically
Rotate Button - Rotates the pattern clockwise / counter-clockwise
Increase / Decrease Step Size Button - Increases / decreases the step size
Recording Button - Records all patterns that move in the selection area and saves it as a *.gif
Identify Button - Identifies the pattern as a spaceship / oscillator

The Status Bar

The generation of the pattern, the current population and simulation speed is shown.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Space - Step 1 Generation
Delete - Deletes cells

Enter - Toggle Simulation
Shift + Enter - Toggle Simulation (In Selection)
Ctrl + Enter - Toggle Simulation (Outside Selection)

Ctrl + N - New Pattern
Ctrl + O - Open Pattern
Ctrl + S - Save Pattern to File

Ctrl + C - Copy Pattern to RLE
Ctrl + X - Cut Pattern (Copy + Delete)
Ctrl + V - Paste Pattern (requires that an area is already selected)
Ctrl + Shift + O - Load Pattern from Clipboard

Ctrl + A - Select the entire pattern
Ctrl + Z - Undo
Ctrl + Y - Redo

Ctrl + R - Change Rule
Ctrl + 5 - Generate Random Soup

X - Flip Selection Horizontally
Y - Flip Selection Vertically
> - Rotate Clockwise
< - Rotate Counter-Clockwise


Editing Features

Supported / Planned Rulespaces

Supported / Planned INT Neighbourhoods

Supported / Planned Named HROT Neighbourhoods

Search Programs

Long-term TODO List

Known Bugs