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CAViewer's Dependencies (automatically installed)

Compiling from Source

CAViewer v2 uses Gradle as a build system.

To run the application without the executables, you will first need to install the JDK.
Note that there is no need to install anything other than the JDK.

Ensure your JDK version is least 11. However, I would recommend 14 and above.

Running the application

  1. Run gradlew build
  2. Run gradlew run

This is useful if you are modifying CAViewer.

Cross-platform fat jar

  1. Run gradlew build --build-file build2.gradle.

The jar will be generated in build/libs. This jar will be able to run on Linux, Mac and Windows provided that JRE / JDK 11 or higher are installed.

Platform-dependent exectuable

  1. Run gradlew build.
  2. Run gradlew jpackage

Note that this requires JDK 14 or higher.
Afterwards, the exectuable will be generated in build/jpackage.

Generating an installer

Changing skipInstaller from false to true in build.gradle will generate an installer instead.
On Windows, this will requires that you have the WiX Toolset installed.